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Travel Vaccinations / Travel Clinic | M3 Health Melbourne

Are you a passionate traveller? 

Do you know that a lot of countries require certain vaccinations to be taken before you can travel there?

Vaccinations keep you safe from many diseases that may be prevalent in certain countries of the world, such as typhoid, yellow fever etc. Not only do travel vaccinations protect you from these diseases, but it also helps prevent the spread of such diseases from country to country.

The required vaccinations are different from country to country, which is why it’s always a good idea to consult with a medical professional at a Travel Clinic as an essential part of your travel planning. Most vaccinations need to be given in a series of injections, hence early planning is required to complete the course before you travel.

It is highly recommended that you consult a travel health specialist at least 4-6 weeks before your travel dates, especially since vaccinations need time to start working. 

Things to inform your doctor or travel health specialist when getting your travel vaccinations:

  • Your current health condition – certain medications could react adversely with the vaccinations, hence if you are taking any regular medications, it is advisable to inform the doctor before getting your vaccines.
  • Your immunisation history.
  • Travel itinerary.

Certain health conditions should be checked with your medical professional before getting any vaccinations, such as:

  • If you are pregnant or think you are pregnant.
  • If you are breastfeeding.
  • If you have HIV/AIDS
  • If you are receiving Chemotherapy
  • If you have had an organ or bone marrow transplant

Certain vaccines may be required, depending on the country you are travelling to and your proposed activities. The vaccines below are available at our clinics.

  • Cholera (script required first)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Japanese Encephalitis (script required first)
  • Meningitis
  • Polio
  • Rabies
  • Typhoid

If you are travelling with small children, it is advisable to get them the Measles vaccination before travelling.

Benefits of getting vaccinated before travelling abroad:

  • Protects you from potentially high-risk diseases
  • Prevents the spread of diseases
  • Saves you the cost and hassle involved with contracting a high-risk disease

Side effects

As with all vaccinations, those required for travel to certain countries can have side effects. However, these side effects are very mild in nature and will subside after 1-2 days. Common side effects could be:

  • Mild fever
  • Swelling or redness around the point of injection
  • Headache
  • Muscle Ache
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue

These side effects are very mild and temporary, and the benefits of getting the vaccinations far outweigh such effects.

Which M3 Clinics offer travel vaccinations?

    If you are looking for Travel Vaccinations in Hobsons Bay (Spotswood):

    Level 1, 196-200 Hall Street, Spotswood, VIC 3015 | Phone 03 9391 2855 | Fax 03 9399 2755

    Talk to our Travel Clinics today and get the right advice from our medical professionals regarding travel vaccinations.

    Don’t let illness or the fear of getting sick ruin your overseas adventure. Live life to the fullest, with the right protection from M3 Health Clinics.

    Book your online appointment today.

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